Our Work

We build strategic solutions that help achieve goals, close inequities, and improve quality of life.

Four people sit at table - strategic solutions, help achieve goals, close inequities, and improve quality of life.

Current Projects

California Medi-Cal Transformation: CalAIM

California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is a multiyear waiver to transform California’s Medi-Cal program and enable it to work more seamlessly with other social services for the state’s most vulnerable populations.

43 Strategic Consulting is an approved Technical Assistance Vendor through the Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Technical Assistance Marketplace, with deep experience working with managed care plans, health systems, FQHCs/ community health clinics, housing providers, and social service organizations. The team is currently supporting multiple organizations with assessing the organization’s current state, identifying partnership opportunities, developing future state operational models, creating sustaining revenue models, supporting operational implementation, leading technology transformation activities, and leading health equity trainings to center equity in care model design. Current clients include Illumination Foundation, Chico Housing Action Network, and GLM Housing.

Visit us on the TA Marketplace to learn how we can support your organization with:

  • Building Data Capacity
  • Community Supports
  • Engaging in CalAIM Through Medi-Cal Managed Care
  • Enhanced Care Management
  • Promoting Health Equity
  • Supporting Cross-Sector Partnerships


43 Strategic Consulting’s PATH Technical Assistance Overview

CalAIM logo
LISC Boston logo

LISC Boston: Supporting Resilient and Inclusive Communities  

43 Strategic Consulting will support LISC Boston with creating and launching a program to advance resilient and inclusive communities. By partnering with key organizations, the program seeks to assist mission-aligned developers with accessing high quality, project-specific technical assistance when they need it even if they lack capital as well as to accelerate the pace of development of affordable housing and other real estate projects that support stable, affordable, and thriving communities.

The 43 Strategic Consulting team will conduct best practices research locally and across the nation, conduct stakeholder interviews, propose program design and evaluation criteria, support the launch and implementation, and provide strategic recommendations to LISC Boston.

MassHealth: Advancing Health Equity

In Q4 2023, 43 Strategic Consulting will support Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) with the next phase of the 1115 waiver, where for the first time Hospitals as well as ACOs and MCOs will be held accountable for health quality and equity, with payment tied to reporting and performance. Partnering with Public Consulting Group (PCG), we will support the Quality and Equity Incentive Program by providing program management for the next 4.5 years.

MassHealth - Massachusetts Medicaid logo

Past Projects

Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Leading the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Initiative

In February 2021, given the growing impact of COVID-19 on BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH) launched the Vaccine Equity Initiative—a $200 million initiative to address vaccine hesitancy and improve access. Catherine West led this initiative and the VEI team provided ongoing, responsive, and dynamic strategy, operations, data-to-action, and project management. Importantly, the team lifted up community voices and solutions. We convened community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and tribal- and-indigenous-people-serving organizations to create and lead local solutions. We held monthly all-partners meetings to share best practices, lessons learned, and data. The team remained flexible and continuously iterated and revised its approach based on feedback, ideas, and solutions created with the community. Collectively, VEI reversed a growing inequity, closed inequities for those who identify as BIPOC, and saved lives. For example, according to the July 2023 report to the Massachusetts Legislature, “Since vaccines became available to most age groups in May 2021, VEI communities have increased the number of their population with a complete primary series by 105%, outpacing non-VEI communities at 75%.”

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH) logo
Preservation of Affordable Housing POAH logo

“Catherine and Sue were a pleasure to work with and learn from!  The 43 Strategic Consulting team brought a clear understanding of both housing and health care financing — and a strategic and creative lens about how these two sectors can achieve sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships.”
– Andrew Spofford
Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President

Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH): Advancing Integration Between Healthcare and Housing

The 43 Strategic Consulting team provided technical assistance to POAH—a national affordable housing provider—who was interested in partnering with a healthcare organization to improve the health outcomes of its residents. As part of the first phase of the engagement, the team provided strategic guidance on the managed care environment. This included the creation of a managed care kick-starter training, where we provided an overview for housing providers considering engaging with health care entities in a managed care environment, with a particular focus on Medicaid members/lower income individuals. Secondly, the team conducted an environmental scan of potential partners, evaluated growth roles for POAH, and provided recommendations on strategic partnerships. The team conducted key informant interviews with diverse stakeholders, including senior leadership at health insurance plans, provider organizations, state government agencies, funders, and lenders. Based on analyzing the interviews, the team identified and recommended business development opportunities that advanced POAH’s goals and aligned with stakeholders’ goals and objectives. Together with the leadership of POAH, two strategies were selected for the organization to pursue.

MassHealth:  Addressing Social Drivers of Health

The team brought experience serving as the regulator and regulatee for large state-wide Medicaid demonstration projects which addressed social drivers of health. As part of the Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) program, several members of the 43 Strategic Consulting team helped ACOs and MCOs launch the Flexible Services Program—a first-in-the-nation program that provided pre-tenancy and tenancy sustaining supports (first month’s rent, last month’s rent, and security deposits) as well as nutrition support services.  Our team launched and scaled partnerships with housing, nutrition, transportation, and medical legal aid providers to support Medicaid ACO and MCO patients.

Catherine West also supported MassHealth with Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) implementation including ACO/MCO performance and reporting as well as with waiver preparation including conducting state authority research on 1115, 1915i, and 1915c.

MassHealth - Massachusetts Medicaid logo

“In order to succeed in health care, providers, payers and investors need advisors who can help them successfully navigate and optimize topline revenue, policy, regulations, operations and long-term growth. Catherine’s experience, strategic mindset and forward-thinking ideas drive value and bottom-line results.  Her firm, 43 Strategic Consulting, brings together a team of seasoned health care operators with years of experience who are leading the future of health care with data and vision.”

David Morales, General Manager, Unicare